Erasmus+ KA205 APEL project combines the efforts of 4 partners, reflecting current challenges and trends in the field of youth work from different regions of Europe – Central (Slovenia and Austria), Eastern (Bulgaria), and Western (Netherlands). Our overall aim is to equip to equip youth workers with necessary methodology and resources to empower youth leaders, so that they can be more effective in encouraging participation of young people in the policy-making process on local and national, and eventually EU level. By empowering youth leaders we will support the policy dialogue in a bottom up manner. In other words and in a more metaphorical sense we will enable young people to be the first to “reach out” for policy relevant dialogue.


  • MCC Celjski Mladinski Center – Slovenia
  • National Management School – Bulgaria
  • BEST Institut für berufsbezogene Weiterbildung und Personaltraining GmbH – Austria
  • International School Of Entrepreneurship – the Netherlands

Project ID: 2019-3-SI02-KA205-015282
Duration: 01-02-2020 – 31-01-2022
