Well-Be project mission is to support secondary education students in building resilience skills and overcoming the negative effects of social exclusion after the end of the epidemic. This goal will be achieved by analysing the psychological (psycho-social) effects of social exclusion in students and, on this basis, updating educational priorities and focusing pedagogical measures on the needs of students in the post-epidemic situation.

The project addresses two main target groups as follows:
– Directly – students from secondary education level (14-19 years) who need skills to build resilience and overcome the negative consequences of stress and support to boost their motivation for learning and development;
– Indirectly – teachers and other educators who need to be prepared and equipped with adequate tools and practical guidelines for interacting and supporting adolescents.

Our transnational initiative combines the efforts of 4 partners from UK, Bulgaria, Spain and Italy reflecting current challenges in the field of school education arising as a result of the global COVID-19 pandemic crisis.


  • The Mighty Creatives (TMC) – UK
  • National Management School – Bulgaria
  • Profuture Training, S.L. – Spain
  • Fo-Ri.Um. Società Cooperativa – Italy

Project duration: 24 months (2020-2022)

Website: http://www.wellbeproject.eu