Project “Deco – Key competences for career designing in cooperation with labour market” creates partnership between 4 countries and 8 organizations. Two sectors – vocational education schools and organizations, experienced in career counseling and designing, networking with labour market representatives will cooperate in the project (further – expert organizations). Project partners aim to identify key competences, necessary for the successful integration to the labour market of the VET schools students and prepare guidelines for VET schools career counselors for these key competences development. Guidelines will be based on the key competences development in cooperation with the labour market representatives to ensure that they are tuned to the world of work. Project activities are addressed to solve the problems, actual for the project partners and other similar organization all over the Europe. Project activities and planned output is addressed to the several target groups – VET schools career counselors, practice teachers, managers, stakeholders, VET education related authorities and labour market representatives. Activities implemented during the project will help to reach these objects of the project:

  • To foster career consultants of VET schools professional development;
  • To provide better services for the VET students in key skill development for the successful integration into the labour market;
  • To develop services for the labour market representatives in cooperation with the VET schools and expert organizations;
  • To ensure the need of the labour market for the qualified work force.