YounGO is a proposal that seeks to implement innovative work methodologies to benefit European youth generating strategies, between social entities, universities and organizations to improve the access to quality employment, in order to develop new opportunities for youth in area of employability.

This project, which involves seven partners from various European countries, enhances social entrepreneurship as a strategy and method to be applied to work with young people, encouraging their creativity and generating opportunities.

The actions will be developed by a partnership made up of seven entities: led by JOVESOLIDES, and with the participation of several partners: Eurocultura, from Italy; The Institute of Entrepreneurship Development in Greece; Stuba (Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava) from Slovakia; Social Innovation Fund in Lithuania; National Management School from Bulgaria and ACTA from Romania.

Project Id. 2015-3-ES02-KA205-006835
Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 2: Capacity Building in the Field of Youth.

If you want to keep up with the developments of this project you can follow the hashtag: #YounGoEU